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D&D 4th Edition Character Sheet 1.0 beta 4
Well, the newest edition of D&D is upon us...I'm not sure what to make of it yet. But I have dutifully updated my character sheet for use with this edition...doubtless it will need some tweaking, so I welcome your input. As always, play with the layers to customize the sheet.
Beta 3 update: Page 3 is now all powers, giving you more room and allowing you to see the fronts of page 1 & 3 at the same time. Check boxes for Second Wind and Death Saves. More header bar options. Moved Powers text and Item slot names to their own layers.
Beta 4 update: fixed a problem with the Powers layers. (Thanks to Jeff Kruger for his help tracking those down.)
- Download D&D 4th Edition Character Sheet 1.0 beta 4 (4 pages, 3.75 megs) - updated 6/18/08
- Download D&D 4th Edition Character Sheet 1.0 beta 3, no layers (4 pages, 2.73 megs) - updated 6/15/08
- Download D&D 4th Edition Character Sheet 1.0 beta 3, no layers, grayscale (4 pages, 335 K) - updated 6/15/08
- Download D&D 4th Edition Character Sheet 1.0 beta 2 (4 pages, 3.29 megs) - updated 6/8/08
- Download D&D 4th Edition Character Sheet 1.0 beta 2, no layers (4 pages, 3.14 megs) - updated 6/8/08
- Download D&D 4th Edition Character Sheet 1.0 beta 2, no layers, grayscale (4 pages, 276 K) - updated 6/8/08