Secret (TSR)
Operation: Super Happy Lucky Cat Extravaganza Egg Roll House
The inimitable (autocorrect first had inimicable) Dyson Logos had written this fantastic Top Secret mini-adventure for Secret Santicore 2014, but I found the formatting to be problematic for actual game play. I redid it with a really old school cover and a more late 80s interior...
Top Secret Agent Dossier
I loved this spy game of the '80s. Here's a character sheet for the original
version of the game (not for Top Secret/S.I.). Special thanks to Tim Norris for adding form fields!
Top Secret FileMaker Pro Database

I originally released these databases on AOL, and I am now making them
available from the Mad Irishman web site. Other than zipping them
to afford Windows users easy access to them, they are the same files.
Keep track or your Top Secret agent's stats, for the campaign or
during combat. A well-stocked weapons database - including all the weapons
from Packing Heat below - helps you keep track of your agent's
chances to hit at all ranges, with modifications for things like silencers
and temporary losses through wounds! You will need FileMaker Pro 2.1
(Mac or Windows) or better to use these files.
When Only the Best Will Do, Vol. 2: SIG-Sauer Weaponry for Top Secret

A great article appeared in the old Dragon magazine, covering
Heckler & Koch weaponry for Top Secret. Here's my answer for
SIG-Sauer weapons.
Packing Heat: Even More Weapons for Top Secret Gaming

I usually feel some need to compile things for games, so here's a master
list of weapons for the original Top Secret game.