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email the mad irishman
Lord of the Rings (Decipher)
The Lord of the Rings Character Sheet 1.0
OK, I think this is 'finished' enough to call it a 1.0 release. Big changes
from the beta version below; this sheet is four pages long and roughly
follows the layout of my D&D
sheets. As always, available in a variety of 'flavors' to best suit your
The Standard version uses the fonts from the LotR rulebook.
The Uncial version uses the uncial fonts that almost every Tolkien book
since the beginning of time has used. The MERP version uses the same fonts
that Second Edition MERP used, while the 'MERP II' version features one
of the typefaces used in the First Edition. There's also a black and white
version, and one done on a papyrus background, for those who really want
to blow out their ink cartridges! ;^)
- Lord of the Rings Character
Sheet 1.0, Standard Version (4 pages, 485 K) -
updated 12/17/02
- Lord of the Rings Character
Sheet 1.0, Uncial Version (4 pages, 488 K) - updated
- Lord of the Rings Character
Sheet 1.0, MERP Version (4 pages, 493 K) - updated
- Lord of the Rings Character
Sheet 1.0, MERP II Version (4 pages, 493 K) -
updated 9/21/02
- Lord of the Rings Character
Sheet 1.0, Black and White Version (4 pages, 484 K) -
updated 12/20/02
- Lord of the Rings Character
Sheet 1.0, Papyrus Version (4 pages, 6.0 MB - big!) -
updated 9/21/02
The Lord of the Rings Character Sheet Beta
Here's a preliminary shot at a 2-page character sheet for this game (I
think I feel a 4-pager coming on very quickly). This is my first Coda-system
sheet, and I opted for a significant departure from the sheet Decipher
offers, but I'm not sure what works and what doesn't, so let me know!
(I can already tell I'll need more room for skills, I want a special place
for magic, and there are some cosmetic problems.) Once I get a better
feel from people as to whether this is working or not, I'll release 1.0
and offer some different font options.
The Lord of the Rings Character Generation
Summary Sheet

Colin Chapman put together this succinct summary of character generation
in LotR. I cribbed it and reformatted it, and with Colin's blessing I
offer it here as a very useful reference sheet.