Star Trek: The Original Series Character Forms
and Sheets 2.0
The same layout from my Star Trek:
The Next Generation Character Sheets and Forms, but with a decidedly
Original Series flavor to it, for those of you running TOS-era games.
I've been working feverishly to standardize my LUGTrek sheets, add some
new varieties, and just plain improve them. Whether you're playing TNG,
TOS, Klingons, Romulans, Starfleet or Merchant Marines, I have a sheet
variant for you! Each is laid out the same way all the other sheets are,
alllowing for ease of use, and in the case of the Form versions, easy
transfer of form data from one style of form to another (as always, there
is a slight cosmetic difference due to the nature of multi-line form fields,
but otherwise the two versions are identical). I have settled on a six-page
format for the time being with information being arranged as progressively
'peripheral,' allowing minimalists to have all the must-have info on pages
1 and 2, but blanks for pictures, background info, etc. on other sheets
in case you're one of those people who don't separately type up their
own 10-page character histories.
Note that TNG sheets have their own page.
Note to users of my earlier Acrobat Forms versions: As always,
you should be able to import your old form data into these forms with
little trouble.
Note concerning Acrobat Forms: You can import form data or type
in form data with the freely-available Acrobat Reader, just make sure
you have the most recent version from Adobe's
web site. However, you cannot save/export form data without the commercial
version, Acrobat Exchange.
Here's a taste of the Klingon version, which looks much like my Klingon
Form 1.5:

Note to fellow Macintosh users: For some inexplicable reason,
zipping these files seem to cause problems when decompressed on Macs,
regardless of whether I use Stuffit Deluxe 5.5 or ZipIt 1.4. However,
I have noticed no problems with the zipped version when downloading from
a PC. Therefore I have returned to including a stuffed and binhexed file
for Mac download.
- Download Star Trek: The Original Series Character Forms and Sheets
2.0 (includes Form and Sheet versions in Command, Engineering, Sciences
and Klingon colors; each is 6 pages)
Form versions (you can type directly on these)
Older Archived Character Forms and Sheets Versions